WOW! It has been a long time

2014 01 13_4156_edited-1It's been a mere three years since I last posted to my blog, I'm sure you have all been anxiously checking your emails daily just waiting to hear from me.  Well folks, your wait is over!  Since I last posted my daughter has aged three years and is now six, the Broncos lost a very embarrassing Super Bowl, the real estate market has started a comeback and I started my own Real Estate firm, with a total of 1 employee. I guess even Coldwell Banker had to start somewhere. Fortunately for you I was not blogging at that time, so you did not have to read all weighing of the options, should I or shouldn't I, what do you think kind of questions I mulled over for a month or so before taking the plunge.  What really got the ball rolling for me is my friend, Rona Linnenburger, she decided to go back to work one day and contacted the owners of Ziggies Coffee House and became a licensed franchisee and opened her own store in Westminster. She made it seem so easy that I decided to give it a go.  That was back in June of 2014. Six months later a daughter of a friend called me to schedule a meeting, she was getting her real estate licensed and wanted to know if I was looking for a Realtor.  When fate comes knocking like that it is hard to not answer the door, so here we are Jenni Lovins and myself plunging in and enjoying every minute.  She's the one that spurred me on to start blogging again, we will be jointly blogging and telling you our tales. I've told her it is up to her to keep me accountable, good luck Jenni.


Not Too Old To Go Back To School


I've Got Some Catching Up to Do