I've Got Some Catching Up to Do
First things First- Congratulations to the Pack and all their supporters! We were fortunate to be in Wisconsin when they won against the Bears. They really are amazing and loyal fans. You have to admire those folks, that get out there no matter what the weather, to support their team. The whole state was charged up. We went to a store the day after the game and people were waiting in line for the Championship merchandise to be unloaded, in fact some of them were so excited they were helping the store employees unpack the boxes. A few of them might take it a bit far, like this guy, gotta love his modesty.
This guy is apparently preparing in case the coach decides to send him in
After this Rick and I "ditched" Sam with Grandma and Grandpa and headed to Chicago, what an amazing city. We filled our days with Museums, Shopping and fine Restaurants. If you make it to the city or are fortunate enough to live there, make sure you check out, The Girl and The Goat. Fantastic restaurant and well worth the wait. We met up with some friends of Ricks and had a great time and wonderful conversation. Met up with an old girlfriend and picked up right where we left off 15 years ago.
Three days after we got home, it was Sam's third birthday. What a celebration! It was like Mardi Gras and lasted for a week For her birthday party we had 10 pre-schoolers running around and being the wise planner I am, gave them all flutes...at the beginning of the party. I thought the parents and other guests were going to lynch me, next year I know to hand out the flutes as they are walking out the door and not in the door. My wonderful neighbor and friend came over the night before to help me make cupcakes, look at what she did
It was so amazing, really a piece of art. I say she "helped me" I cut the marshmallows for the teeth and she did the rest. Sam loves alligators and could not have been more excited.
This afternoon was a little Valentines Day party at her school, and even though today is not her school day, she got to go, see her friends and marvel at all of the homemade Valentines.
So, that wraps up the first half of February, just writing this wears me out...it's Vino time.
Happy VD Day everyone!