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Accent Walls, Yay or Nay?

Home office on a budget

Typically I am a Nay when it comes to accent walls, it always looks odd to me to have this one wall jumping out at you. The contrast is too much for me. If you’re going to do it, then do it damn it! However, I am intrigued by all these new murals we are seeing on the internet and in wallpaper books. I recently did a re-design for a woman’s office that sells Mary Kay. She asked for something girly but comfortable for clients to visit and be able to try products, she also wanted a small POP of Mary Kay pink. Not being too familiar with Mary Kay, I immediately thought of the blush pink cars I’ve periodically seen around town. This is not entirely true any more, Mary Kay has moved right along with the times and they have added a new, BOLD, beautiful pink to their marketing. Here is the plan I came up with…



C. Hutchinson Office.jpg

The budget was tight on this one, $1000. but she already had a desk, bookshelf and table that she wanted to use. Target seemed to be the perfect match, budget friendly and local. Oh, did I mention she was also on a very tight time schedule so the internet was pretty much out. We painted the entire office the pale blush color and her inventory closet the new MK bold pink. This incredible mural is going up on the wall opposite of the doorway and will make for a dramatic entrance. From Target I found these stools as well as the chairs and lamps to add some color and punched it all up with some black/white and teal desk accessories from Staples. Topped it off with a new antique brass light fixture and a sofa table in marble and brass. We pulled it all off and came in just a hair under budget!

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Day 7 of the 10 Day Challenge


Here we are 7 days in and I've only accomplished the first challenge! Look at all of the stuff I've cleared out. The pile to the right is donation and the one on the left is garbage, and I thought the garbage would all fit into a plastic grocery bag.  Yes, it has taken me much longer than the allotted 1 day, but after the very first day I could feel my mind clearing out, having room to breathe and an overall much calmer feeling. The next challenge is to stop stuff from coming in.  You'll remember a week ago I said that I was going to stop unnecessary shopping. It's been a full week and I have kept my resolution.  The other step is to stop junk mail from coming in, according to this article, you can go to DMAchoice.org and opt out of junk mail.  This is something I really need to get a hold of.  We have several companies that send both my husband and I copies of their catalogs, they must know that I don't like to share. I went through my email and unsubscribed to many "junk" mailers.  I do this every New Year. After all the  consumerism of the holidays, it just starts to feel yucky.  It really starts with Halloween, buy all that candy (we get over 1,000 trick-or-treaters, so its a LOT of candy) then decorate the house, then right into Thanksgiving and all that food.  Then the big season starts. By New Years Day, I'm done!  According to this article, you can go to DMAchoice.org and opt out of junk mail.  Do you have any rituals, (not resolutions) that you do at the start of each year to prepare for the upcoming year?

Next is clearing out and organizing the kitchen.  It may be a few more days before I have any time to report on my progress.


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I woke up this morning with an email from Houzz that said one of my design pictures was featured in a story!!


This is just so exciting!!  I woke up this morning with an email from Houzz that said one of my design pictures was featured in a story!! Click through the story, mine is the 8th picture!  I AM SOOO EXCITED!  Thank you Becky Harris of the HOUZZ team! [houzz=https://www.houzz.com/ideabooks/101773547/list/give-yourself-a-break-9-resolutions-that-are-easy-to-keep w=300]

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