Posts tagged Vote
Delicious Autumn

"Delicious autumn, my very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird, I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns" -George Eliot (aka Mary Anne Evans) Last night as I was walking home from a friend's house, the neighborhood was quiet, the air crisp and cool and the leaves were crunching beneath my feet, as I passed the 1,257th political sign my mind began to wonder and I realized just how blessed I am.  I have an amazing family whom I love, and they love me, we are all healthy, able to keep food on the table and even a little wine now and then and we live in an amazing society where you are free to speak your mind and vote for our leaders. Each of us comes from very different experiences which help to form our views and every November we get to wade through all the propaganda, go to the polls (without fear of being killed for the  privilege) and cast our vote for our leaders. And if we screw it up, just a wait a few years, then we can vote that S.O.B. out! God Bless America!