Posts tagged Real Estate Market
Happy Days are Here Again

Children Playing The days are getting longer, the trees are budding and the real estate market is booming!  It's as if it happened overnight, just a moment ago lenders were not lending and there was not a buyer in sight.  Now we have the exact opposite problem, no one is selling! This topsy turvy market has still got people a bit off kilter and once you sell, you may end up with the same problem others are finding, where are we going to go? It's a legitimate concern, especially if you are buying and selling under $500,000.  You can't put an offer in on a house if yours is not at least under contract, because you are competing with 2 or 3 other buyers that do not have a house to sell.  The best advice that I can offer is, have a plan B. Nobody wants to move twice but it is certainly a better option than being forced into buying a house that you do not love and having to suffer through for the next 5-10 years. You can ask the buyers for a long close or best case scenario, do a rent back until you find your replacement property. But if that is not an option you may need to put your things in storage and go into an apartment or (gasp) move in with Mom and Dad, for what is hopefully a short period.  But please! please! do not buy a house that you do not love just so you don't have to move twice.  I can guarantee you that if you do not love the house on closing day, it's only going to go down hill from there.  If you are thinking about selling, March and April are the two busiest months in real estate, it's time to jump in so give me a call, I've got buyers that need someplace to go!