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Not Going to Happen

Not 30 minutes into this little challenge when I realized, "we're going to need a bigger bag." 

Two days ago I started the 10 day cleaning challenge I found on Houzz.com, the first day you are supposed to grab a garbage bag and go through your house to throw things away and the second day go back through with a new garbage bag and collect items for donation. Day 1 - I grab my little garbage bag, because I am not a hoarder and don't have trash laying around, or so I thought.  Not 30 minutes into this little challenge when I realized, "we're going to need a bigger bag."  3 HOURS later and I was still upstairs and had not even begun to tackle my own closet.  However, I did have empty space again!!

Look At All This Space!

Last weekend my husband spent two days cleaning out his garage, then he left town.  He is going to be pissed off when he get's home!  His garage is quickly filling up with my garbage and donations!  Once the veterans pick up the donations he will be just a thrilled as I am. In the meantime, I better keep a low profile.

This really does feel amazing, it makes me smile every time I see my neat and organized shelves and all the room to breathe.  But, 10 DAYS! who are they kidding, it's going to take me 10 days just to do the first days challenge.

Off I go...today is my home office, say your prayers for me, it's going to be a long day.



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