It's been 2 years but the Blog Is BACK!


I want to take a moment to let you know how thankful I am that you are in my life. 2015 was an interesting year with some very high-highs and some incredibly low-lows for me. I am grateful for each and every experience as it has made me stronger and brought new people into my life.

Unless you have been living under a rock, which as your Realtor it is my job to make sure you don’t, the Real Estate market was incredible! Sellers were on cloud 9 until it came time to buy, put a house on the market and then sift through all the offers, weigh out each option and take your pick. For buyers it was a different story, a feeding frenzy took over and frustrations set in. Cash buyers, ridiculous over asking price offers, how to compete. For those buyers that I worked with, you kept your head on straight, had patience and in the end made wise decisions.

So what does 2016 look like? more of the same, I believe. The fed nudged the interest rate up, and will probably do so again and buyers are going to want to get in on these low interest rates. Lenders have been pressuring us for years and years, “THESE RATES WON’T LAST”. It looks like that is finally the truth. My advice, as always, don’t panic. Yes, interest rates are on their way up, but they are still incredibly low. If you can, this is the time to buy your “forever” or “dream” house. Lock in to a 30 year fixed rate mortgage and enjoy life.

This past year I learned, all too clearly, just how short and precious life is. I know that is a cliche, but it is a cliche for a reason. IT’S TRUE. So this year, don’t make resolutions about loosing weight or working harder. Make a resolution to be more present in the life you are lucky enough to have. Hug those kids, one more time before they go out the door, CALL YOUR MOTHER!. Not only tell the people in your life that you love them, but show it. Take care of your body, make doctors appointments you have been putting off, eat better but also splurge on the slice of cake. Enjoy the cards you have been dealt and start each day with thankful heart!

All that being said...don’t forget to take care of your home too. You will thank me someday when it is time to sell. So here are few tips:

Clear home and wardrobe clutter. Post-holidays is a good time for decluttering, since there’s a good chance you accumulated some new things over the previous few weeks. Grab a cardboard box and fill it with clothes, books and other items you no longer love or use. When it’s full, take it to a charitable donation center.

Organize your papers and digital documents. It’s like going to the dentist: not exactly a pleasant task, but you know you’ll feel good when it’s done. So brew yourself a cup of strong coffee, put on some energetic music and start sorting, shredding and filing. And don’t forget the computer — back up everything (put an automatic backup system in place if you don’t already have one), and begin sorting your digital documents and records using a simple filing.

Plan decorating and remodeling projects for the year ahead. Thinking of remodeling the kitchen, adding a deck, putting fresh tile in the bath or painting your bedroom? Use your favorite resources (like Houzz) to save inspiring ideas and begin contacting pros to see your project through in the new year.

Take down and store holiday decorations. Pack fragile ornaments with care, and wind tree lights around a piece of cardboard to avoid tangling. If there were any ornaments you didn’t end up using this year, consider giving them away, and save the space for things you really love.

Check the exterior and landscape after winter storms. Keep an eye out for ice dams on the roof, downed tree limbs and storm damage. Keep entrances and paths cleared of snow and ice, and be sure to arrange for snow removal around your home if you plan to be away this month.

Boost light. Getting enough light can make a huge difference in how we feel in winter. Do what you can to boost light by pulling open window coverings during the day, adding lamps and candles, and lighting a fire in the fireplace or wood stove if you have one. Or consider decorating with white for a light, bright look — in the Scandinavian countries, white interiors are common, thanks to their ability to amplify light and cheer up homes during those long, cold Colorado winters.

Most importantly have a happy, healthy and safe 2016!!


I Don't Normally Care for Zillow, but...


Celebrating MOMS!