Hello Spring!

Image By Jenni Lovins

I’m more than happy to say goodbye to snow packed roads and winter coats and hello to Rockies baseball, dinner cooked on the grill, flip flops, beautiful flowers and spring cleaning. Ok maybe not that last one.

Yet, did you know that there are dozens of blogs and websites about spring cleaning? I had my own house cleaning business for over six years and I didn’t get nearly the enjoyment out of scrubbing and polishing as these motivated people seem to get. So I’ll spare you the detailed checklists and how-to guide on the subject and get down to what counts: Getting it over with.

Try starting with one Saturday or Sunday afternoon and assign two chores to each person in your household. (Maybe let your husband pick his own two chores, he’ll do a better job at what he chooses, I’m sure). You know what your children are capable of doing and the things you’ll find yourself going over anyway, so pick carefully. Choose the things that have bothered you most, or are the dirtiest and just need cleaning the most. When your two jobs are over, go back outside and play! You’ll feel productive and you’ll be able to see a difference. If you think there’s more that should be done, take a weekend off and then do two chores each again in two weeks.  Before you know it, your spring cleaning will be complete!

Another option is to create a list of Spring Cleaning Chores, and make it your goal to cross something off your list every week. Not too overwhelming or dreaded by the family, but it does make the tasks drag on for a while I’m afraid.  That being said, our family will probably get our spring cleaning done this way.    Here’s what our list looks like so far:

  1. Wash all the windows and screens we can realistically get to (or hire a professional window washing service)
  2. Clean & touch-up paint the trim throughout the house
  3. Go Geocaching with the boys (A beautiful spring day can be distracting)
  4. Polish stair railing and all the cabinets in the kitchen and bathrooms (use Old English Scratch Cover on damaged areas)
  5. Clean out all the sink drains (yuck!)
  6. Go to a Rockies game (it’s possible that a sweep could take place…)
  7. Clean out the garage & put things we don’t want/need any more aside for a garage sale
  8. Organize the basement & put things we don’t want/need any more aside for a garage sale
  9. Have a Garage Sale (and use the money to go to ANOTHER Rockies Game!)

I know if the list is too long or scary looking one of two things will happen; we will accidentally lose the list and everyone will forget it existed, or we will just put it off for way too long and be haunted by our base trim that needs to be painted or the dirty kitchen windows.

While you’re at it, you might want to spruce up your porch and the outside of your house a little. By the way, your neighbors whose homes are for sale will be grateful. Their home will sell at or above asking price because of your help and your own home value will rise.  So go ahead, plant those tulips and marigolds, trim the over-grown shrubs, clear out last winter’s dead branches, find your porch something that’s colorful and inviting, get a new door mat and maybe hose down your porch and siding/brick if it’s needed. You’ll love it and so will your neighbors!

Hopefully, now the task of spring cleaning isn’t too daunting.  I wish you luck in getting it done and over with, and I hope you’ll do something that makes you happier to be spending time in your home.  Then, pour yourself a favorite springtime drink (my favorite recipe is below) and enjoy this beautiful Colorado spring day! (Unless it’s snowing, then pour the drink and turn on a baseball game).

Longs Peak Lemonade!  My favorite springtime Mommy drink.

2 oz. Blueberry Vodka

8 oz. Countrytime (or your favorite) lemonade

Pour it over ice and garnish with just about any type of fruit (my favorite is fresh blueberries). Yum! I’m thirsty, but it’s only 10:00 am…

ROCKIES TICKETS GIVEAWAY! Share what you love about spring AND why in a comment, before April 1, 2014, and you’ll be entered to win two Rockies tickets to an April game!