Corona Confessions...

We have now been under quarantine for 3 weeks, I really thought I would have so much more accomplished. I had such good intentions when this first started, I was going to get my house spic and span, the garden would be tilled and mulched, I would bake and do art with daughter and oh so much more.

3 weeks in and the house is really falling to pieces, I told the cleaning people to stay home and take care of themselves, with all of this extra time on my hands I could certainly clean my own house. NOPE. I realize I hate cleaning my own house. Normally I love to clean windows this time of year, not this year. In three weeks’ time, I have cleaned 8 windows, outside only, and if I’m being perfectly honest, husband did 5 of those. Every morning I wake up with the resolve to really get something done today. I am still working, but not a whole lot. At the end of each day, 5:00 by these new, lowered standards, I sit on the patio, glass of wine in hand and realize, not much is checked off my list.

But I’ve decided to give myself a break, the most important chore is getting done and that is spending time with my daughter. We have baked, and done artwork, gone for long walks and bike rides even a couple of picnics. We’ve had a spa day and a mini make-up lesson. Maybe tomorrow we will do mani/pedis. When it comes right down to it, this time is a gift. We are lucky enough to have a home to be quarantined in and people we want to be quarantined with. Our neighborhood is amazing and we are blessed with surprise music and 6’ apart happy hours. All-in-all if we just get to connect a bit more, then this is truly a blessing and spending this time racing around trying to accomplish everything at once would be the real waste of time.

So, from our family to yours, I hope you too can give yourself a break and enjoy just being, because really, isn’t that what life should be about???

And hey, stay safe out there…


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