Style VS. Trend Stop the MADNESS!!
Mood Board for our new Kitchen, The colors are not quite what they are in person, the teal has a bit more blue than this sample, but you get the gist.
This is a subject that is near and dear to my heart and something that comes up with almost every new client. Follow Pinterest, Houzz or HGTZ and all the new trends can dazzle you and suck you up into the vortex. It’s one thing if you want to follow each and every trend with your wardrobe, hopefully, that is a much smaller budget than a home remodel so a bit safer. If you chase every trend and “color of the year” you will not be happy and unless you have the budget of a Kardashian, you’ll be broke. I always tell new clients to stick to the classics and what is true to your heart and your house will come together. By staying with the classics and what you truly love, sometimes you will be on-trend and sometimes you won’t. The thing with the classics is that they keep coming back time and again. I live in a Modern Farmhouse, so cliche right now I could scream. My house was built 20 years ago, long before anyone outside of Waco knew of Johanna Gaines. So, for the time being anyway, I am on-trend. Once that trend goes away, I will still be in love with my house, because I stuck with what was true to my spirt.
In remodeling our kitchen this has really come to the front of my mind. So here is how I decided. It is imperative to me that anything that comes into my house is made from natural materials. Nearly every stone person I talked with tried to talk me into Quartz. I just can’t do it. I know that it is so much easier than marble and “gives you the same look”. Sorry, I don’t buy that. NO one is being fooled into thinking that Quartz is a real stone. I am also a Realtor, so I can’t help but look ahead to resale and I believe that in a very short time Quartz is going to have the same appeal that Corrian does today. If you can’t find granite that you like and marble is too much maintenance, then try quartzite. If quartzite is not in your budget how about concrete or wood is also a beautiful alternative. Then I asked myself, “does this bring me joy”? The other question I asked myself, has this “fill in the blank” been around for more than it’s 10 minutes of fame? My grandmother and great grandmother both had big, white, cast iron, farmhouse sinks. I’ve had cast iron sinks in the past and loved them. When mine was installed last week, I could not wait to do dishes. I use Method Sea Minerals dish soap that smells just like my grandmother’s kitchen, and I was instantly a little girl helping grandma wash dishes and listening to the ladies talk. Just because something is on-trend, at the moment, does not mean it’s a bad thing, the classics always come back and will be in style at different times in our life. White kitchens are having a shining moment, but they are timeless! For my kitchen, I’ve gone with a very dark teal (one of my top 3 favorite colors) on the lower cabinets and white on top with a white tile backsplash from counter to ceiling in the kitchen. The pantry will be all white cabinets with a teal backsplash and teal cement tile floors. The counters in both will be White Princess Quartzite. I am so excited I can hardly stand myself!
One more tidbit, beware of shopping online, it’s too easy to just click and buy and suddenly you have filled your house with $50. items that you don’t love and don’t go together. Save your money and only buy what you can’t live without. By saving all those 50 dollar bills, you will be able to afford that amazing art piece that will make you smile every single day. I love Marie Kondo’s method of literally holding on to an object to see if it sparks joy in your heart. The place where I stumble with this is with family items. I don’t often buy things I don’t love, but oh boy, when someone passes down Great Grannies anything, it’s hard to get rid of those heirlooms. I must admit that I do have a few boxes of items that I just can’t bring myself to part with, I don’t keep everything but sorry Darling Daughter I’m afraid that will be your job someday.